Wednesday 4 December 2019


If CancellationPending is true, then the routine sets the Cancelled property to true. Press F7 to switch to code view. Sample application performing a long running operation The application also gives you the ability to cancel the background operation. You should see a message like the following: Sometimes, this simply isn't possible. netfx20wrapper

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In the walkthrough shown previously, the background subroutine calls Sleep, and the background subroutine isn't able to do anything else until Sleep returns, five seconds later. If CancellationPending is true, then the routine sets the Cancelled property to true. The subroutine netfx20wraapper sleeps for a specified number of milliseconds and returns, to simulate a long running operation.

Using Background Threads with Visual Basic 6

Adding progress support In the Project Explorer, double-click Module1. Select a folder to save all project files.

If so, the return value from the background work will be displayed. Getting Started with the Article Sample Code Included in this article is a sample application that performs work in a background thread. Canceling background operations In the Project Explorerdouble-click Module1.

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Result to pass a return value back to the main thread. But i can add a reference to NetFx20Wrapper.


Error to return error information. Hi, I am trying to use Background Tasks using this code http: Sign up using Email and Password.

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Background Tasks using vb6

Conclusion In this article, you have seen how the BackgroundWorked component from version 2. Not to be unkind, but from the forum description: Description End Sub This sends a value from 0 to indicating what percentage of the work has been completed.

If errors happen in the background subroutine, neyfx20wrapper can crash the development environment. In the Project Explorerdouble-click Module1.

Otherwise, an error message will be displayed. Once you have the solution open, select the Build Build Solution menu command to compile the Visual Basic. netfx20wrap;er

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Create the event handler here Code the RunWorkerCompleted event handler as follows: After five seconds, a message box is displayed indicating that the background subroutine completed. Description End Sub This code has been nehfx20wrapper so that the work is broken into netfx02wrapper chunks.

Along this theme, Scott is a proud contributor to the Visual Basic Fusion site, as it offers information and tactics of real use for Visual Basic developers who want to build the most functionality with the least effort. The traditional Visual Basic 6 technique to keep the application responding during a long running operation is to call DoEvents repeatedly.


By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. This argument lets the subroutine indicate whether it was successful or not, and returns a result. Also, if your background subroutine has an unhandled exception, the development environment will also crash.

There is a article for this Here is a link from microsoft There it is mentioned the use of netfx20wrapper.

This will create an event handler that fires when the background work has finished. The background subroutine also sets the result message, and then exits. If it fails, the error handler will set netfz20wrapper information that is passed back to the main thread.

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