Saturday 14 December 2019


It's their goddamn third time failing to land alive on the moon. Yes because its much more believable and mature to assume that Simon, Duncan and Lewis are complete idiots. He saw them in the chest before Lewis fucked off to the rocket. Can't wait to see Duncan nerdpole up to grab Lewis' stuff. Less videos where they land on the moon perfectly and then move on? Not sure if anyone is actually having the same problem but.. I was literally shouting at my screen for the last 5 minutes of the video. minecraft galacticraft - moonquest

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Deliberately crashing repeatedly would be hindering the series.

minecraft galacticraft - moonquest

Screwing up in a video game - especially in a video game where screwing up literally doesn't matter because it will still make a good YouTube video - doesn't make anyone an idiot. If he had not held space for so long moonquets would have landed and used the link books, which are now destroyed.

I knew Simon had the tanks, I thought they were still getting filled.

minecraft galacticraft - moonquest

Is he going galacticraf respawn on the moon somewhere with the books, or would they be by the rocket? Same reaction from the kids too. Can't wait to see Duncan nerdpole up to grab Lewis' stuff.

Check out the subreddit Discord! Was so damn frustrating. Submit a new text post.

minecraft galacticraft - moonquest

I remember when people were in denial mopnquest SOI. I realized he didn't have them when they were going up the ladder. I love this moonquesst, but I don't want to see them be forced to build a fourth rocket. I guess it's safe to say At least he didn't crash.

Congratulations, Yogscast are officially the worst space company in the World. I was literally shouting at my screen for the last 5 minutes of the video.

That series is an openly story based series just like soi was where Lewis was briefed and Simon was clueless.

Minecraft Galacticraft - Moonquest 59 - Blast Off : Yogscast

And that was enough? It was pretty funny the first and second time it happened, but Lewis really should have paid more attention to his gear. It's obvious moonquest ins't scripted though. If I was accusing them of being idiots I'd have just insulted a large portion of gamers including myself. They all managed to somehow fail.

Youtube's server for watching video have been really really slow even with a good internet. Are you fucking kidding me? The greater the participation, the higher the level.

Surely they are safe on the rocket? Who is assuming that? Now we just have to hope that Duncan can find them! A lot of people in the last few Moonquest thread videos?

Linking books are treated as entities when dropped, not items. Rythians castle bomb, the after red matter conference. This is the best of both worlds. Or more videos where something dramatic happens and they have to deal with the aftermath of it. That's a good point, I think they showed Lewis' POV for the duration of the take-off so it's fair to say they all fell out when he died.

Cause I'm pretty sure that a few others did try to say this but couldn't say it properly or you either completely ignore them for the fact that the server is having problems.

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