Tuesday 10 December 2019


They are currently in a pre-release format. Page Status No Known Problems. The following files are included:. Products Solutions Services Resources. I read the thread you suggested, but I wasn't able to solve my problem. hbase 0.90.4

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Hello, I've set up a cluster of 4 machines with Hadoop 1. This document assumes that the user already has familiarity with Hadoop and HBase and already has data in Hadoop stored in HBase tables. It is a standard HBase component.

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I solved my issue and I want to write how I solved it in case somebody else runs into the same problem. The query language is a simple JSON-based syntax.

Even if you are not already using it, you have it available and it's easy to launch. In reply to this post by Adriana Farina. These resources are provided here on JasperForge. Hi Adriana, Thanks for the update, I've added the solution to our wiki for others to consult in the future http: The Jaspersoft query language for HBase is documented here: Page Status No Known Problems. Not hbawe an HBase guru, my help here is limited at best.

Download the connector from ybase project. It's likely to work with other versions, but others are not tested. The following files are included:. Create a new report; set the query language to "HBaseQuery". They are currently in a pre-release format. The strange thing is that the hbase master is up and running: Create New Wiki Page. Search everywhere only in this topic Advanced Search Nutch 2.

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Therefore the deserializer is needed to determine the appropriate data type for the arrays of bytes being returned by HBase. Tests were performed with HBase 0. I'll try to ask on HBase list too. For more details refer to the Deserializer Documentation.

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The query above returns all records in the table blogposts. With the above sample data inserted using the HBase shell, you can ybase create a report using the following query:. Free forum by Nabble. The deserializerClass attribute is needed because HBase has no concept of data types or other metadata for fields.

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I had to configure it as described in [0]. In reply to this post by Adriana Farina I solved my issue and I want to write how I solved it 0.90.4 case somebody else runs into the same problem.

Products Solutions Services Resources. For example, we could get only posts by a certain author:.

hbase 0.90.4

Search everywhere only in this topic. Hi Adriana, On Thu, Jan 31, at 3: It most cases it's critical to filter the results. They are therefore not yet supported by Hbaze Technical Support. Hi Lewis, thank you for your answer.

hbase 0.90.4

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