Wednesday 4 December 2019


Police clashed with a group of Mapuche during an operation to clear lands seized by members of the indigenous community, and one young Mapuche was killed and two were injured, Argentina's government said on Sunday. In fact, a bad guy moving to another position often affords the best opening for a shot. To the people saying it's not Macri's fault: Members of La Campora have attacked protesting Qom tribe members both in Formosa and in Buenos Aires, even firebombing their protest camp in the capital. We do very much appreciate your consistent and unfailing knee-jerk support for every crime and corrupt practice attributable to the CFK regime.

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But Marti, it's hard to be lelsque of you when you seem so bitter and miserable about everything. The Europeans also claimed this land, included it under Argentina and expanded until they met another ex European colony. The Argentine government was known to have carried out similar ethnic cleansing of the countries Native American population. I don't have a racial point of view of a society.

There is no way around it; the goal is to lelequr with this sort of extra-judicial executions. The 22 year old mapuche died for lack of medical treatment since the people of his radical group refused to send him to a hospital. And if that bad guy's move exposes his buttocks, all the better. Nobody asked native people but they didn't ask anything either. The bullet entered through one of Nahuel's buttock and travelled upwards, damaging several vital organs.

Luciano Benetton has purchasedhectares, and there is many more examples easy to find by googling. Leleqye, pgerman, if people were just throwing stones I don't believe the Canadian police would shoot them.

Pretending a whole group of people is like the most extreme elements is ahh an honest tactic.

Argentine police shoot dead a Mapuche during an eviction operation in Patagonia — MercoPress

Macri is an Argentine politician with all that that implies. Stoker So much for pgerman's rosy view of things.

Nowadays land cost money as in any place in the World. Mapuches move from West to East conquering borogano land and killing them, tehuelche land and killing them.

MercoPress. South Atlantic News Agency

Negotiations with participation of human rights organizations and the Bishop of Bariloche are taking place for their surrender. Bearing in mind this group has said they are not associated with the RAM, and have admitted throwing stones but denied having guns though I wouldn't take their word for that. Mauricio Macri's government is not responsible for anything since in Argentina, unlikely Venezuela or Cuba, there is powers division and judges, from the judicial power, make decision without asking the president.

And guess what, he is predictably and valiantly coming to the defense of Luciano Benetton and Joseph Lewis this one does not need Marti's help because has armed guards blocking anyone wanting to approach the shores of Lago Escondido. Directed by the government, as you say. Lewis has ignored court orders to allow the public access to the lake.

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So, basically, you took the land by force and hold it under laws made by yourselves to legalise the theft. Any argentine, even foreigner, must work hard to get the money to buy land. Back around part of this was the ranch land held by the Argentine Southern Land Company Limited, zh included the Leleque estancia, where the latter-day mapuches have been conducting armed incusions.

Did the police explain how they failed to find his body in the first 3 searches? He built cities, universities and museums If they say they want Argentine territory then how can you blame Macri's leleqke for simply repeating this fact?

leleque - not found

Argies are bullies and the only thing a bully understands is violence. If this group was shooting at the police that is one thing, but they can't assume any group of Mapuches is part of RAM, even if they cover their faces and I have seen this is common at protests in Argentina.

Let's see the reaction of the canadian forces. There are large number of them working in the provincial police department of Neuquen and Rio Negro. Check on the web. The Mapuche dispute has been ongoing for years since the Spanish evicted them and CFK certainly did nothing to help them so why blame Macri for everything?

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